Tapa industrial area
Tamsalu industrial area
Ebavere industrial area
Rakvere Lennuvälja
Aseri Industrial Park
Aluvere industrial development

Tapa is centrally located and well-connected by railroads and roads.

There's a brownfield development in the city of Tapa - home for the NATO base and Estonian Defence Forces.


50 hectares of land, 10 hectares available for development. Quick and easy access to utilities.

Companies already here:  wood and timber, logistics park, military start-ups.


The greenfield industrial area of the city of Tamsalu already has timber, cement, and grain storage companies present on the 12 hectares. 

A new solar power station is up and running with a possibility to connect directly for up to 1 MW.

Possibility of a railroad connection.


This is a functioning industrial area near Väike-Maarja with 1,13 km2 of land, most of which is private. 


Industries and companies already present: wood production (Ebavere Graanul, Baltic Log Cabins), metal works, warehouses.

Plots on the edge of Rakvere sold by the city of Rakvere by auction.

24 hectares, 39 plots with infrastructure ready for you.

Preferred industries for this area: food, timber, metal, and construction material companies. Also smaller chemical, machinery, electronics, and car companies are welcome.

Please contact us for information in English.


Aseri is located on Tallinn-Narva Highway's 123rd km with excellent connections both ways.

The port and the connected industrial area is 25 hectares. All utilities have already been built and are ready to be connected. 



Greenfield development near Rakvere with no detailed plans done yet. 

Available land 31 hectares.


Please contact us for more information.

Ilmar Branno
Tel: +372 58505150